Let's take a moment to review some of the best financial services innovation articles and discussions that the Institute for Innovation Development (IID) developed throughout 2019.
[In a year of much change, competitive threats and uncertainty in the asset management industry, I found these notes from a wide range of industry discussions and perspectives to be a sobering and informative overview on imp
[What is actually meant by client “engagement” and how best can you attain that elevated positioning with your clients and prospects? Through previous Institute
[Professional providers of financial advice should look carefully at the history of innovation since it can provide a proven and much needed roadmap for their future.
At a rather unique financial services industry conference I recently attended, I was stricken by the level of discussions and trainings going on around what it meant to truly engage and connect with your clients and prospects.
"The answer is to create experiences for your clients, help them with important decisions, both financial and other, and help clients expand their concepts of life, retirement and learn to balance work, play and money." - Ray Loew