Innovation News Items

Chief Innovation Officer Summit - San Francisco 6/18-19

Bill Hortz's picture

The Chief Innovation Officer Summit hosted by Innovation Enterprise is just 4 weeks away. This summit is taking place at Hotel Nikko in San Francisco on June 18 & 19.
View the action-packed agenda:
With a world class speaker line-up this two day event is the ideal platform to hear how leading innovators are implementing new processes and staying ahead of the game.
We would like to offer members of this group a 20% discount off all passes.
Innovation Enterprise is delighted to have Jay Nath, the Chief Innovation Officer of San Francisco City and County as the opening keynote.
Joining Jay Nath across both days include:
- Chief Innovation Officer, Owens Corning
- Chief Learning Officer, Nike
- Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health
- Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, MyFitnessPal
- Global Director, Innovation, Whirlpool
- Managing Director, General Motors ATSVO
- VP, Innovation, Deckers Outdoor Corporation
- Chief Innovation Architect, Wells Fargo
- Global Director, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Coca-Cola
   & many more...
If you would like to attend, you can secure you pass here:, using the discount code IID20.


Innovation Excellence 2014 Innovation Cities Tour

Bill Hortz's picture

<p>Join us as we celebrate the Innovation Movement with this unique series of innovation events across the US where we are capturing, sharing, and spreading real world innovation stories. Our goal is to highlight innovation and innovators in each city we visit, proving that innovation is now a full-fledged discipline. We are gathering together disruptive thinkers, doers, technologies, and resources from the Innovation Excellence community in order to inspire one another, share knowledge, discover new resources, and accelerate innovation in your city -- and beyond.</p>

<p>RSVP Today at the link below - Admission is Free but Space is Limited.</p>

<p>NEW YORK CITY - Monday, April 21 from 6-9 PM EST</p>

<p>BOSTON - Monday, May 12 from 6-9 PM EST</p>

<p>SAN FRANCISCO - Tuesday, June 17 from 6-9 PST</p>

<p>CHICAGO - Wednesday, October 29 from 6-9 PM EST</p>

<p>For more information, venue details and for FREE registration to attend events:&nbsp; <a href="

<p>Your Innovation Cities Tour Hosts:</p>

<p><strong>Innovation Excellence</strong><br />
The world's largest crowdsourced innovation community and website.</p>

<p><strong>Disruptor Foundation &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><span style="line-height:1.6">Founded in 2009 by Clay Christensen, Craig </span>Hatkoff<span style="line-height:1.6">, and Rabbi Irwin Kula, the foundation does advanced research in Disruptive Innovation Theory for the common good.&nbsp;</span></p>

<p><strong>HYPE Innovation&nbsp;</strong><br />
A leading provider of idea and innovation management software and services who will aggregate the resources and stories for us pre and post event..</p>

<p><strong>IXL Center and HULT International Business School</strong><br />
Conveners of the Hult Prize with the Clinton Global Initiative.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>The Global Innovation Management Institute</strong><br />
Convener of the First Global Innovation Certification.</p>

<p><strong>The Creating WE Institute</strong><br />
Judith E. Glaser, Founder, Chairman and Author, Conversational Intelligence</p>

<p><strong>The Institute for Innovation Development &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </strong>Provider of innovation resources for the financial services industry</p>


Taking Innovation on the Road - 2/11/2014

Innovation Nobody's picture

At the request of Pershing Advisor Solutions, and with sponsorship support from Lord Abbett, the Institute will be conducting innovation training for Pershing's top advisor clients on Tuesday, February 11 at Lord Abbett's offices at 90 Hudson Street in Jersey City, NJ. The half-day immersive workshop, entitled Innovation: The Business Catalyst for Growth-Oriented Advisors, will demonstrate how innovation can become a vital cornerstone for building your business, dealing with change and creating competitve differentiation. Participants will be provided with step-by-step instructions on implementing innovation strategies and best innovation practices that can immediately apply to their business.

Key Topics covered during the workshop:
   > Defining and practicing creative thinking as a process that anyone can learn and develop to create more growth, differentiation and unique community engagement strategies for your business
   > Learning and practicing “the million dollar" problem solving and thinking process used by one of the most successful design and innovation firms in the world, and how it can be applied to advisors’ business challenges and growth initiatives

Contact your Pershing or Lord Abbett representatives for further details


Innovation training for financial advisors:

Contact us at or 813-618-3881 to inquire how the Institute for Innovation Development can add another dimension and approach to your "advisor to CEO" and business development efforts for your top growth-oriented advisors. We are ready to take innovation on the road to your top advisor meetings or annual conferences.


Innovation events week of 1/20/2014:

Innovation Nobody's picture

1. Hult University’s Innovation Olympics - You are cordially invited to join me next Tuesday, Jan 21, between 4-6PM in Grand Central area of NYC where I can personally introduce you to the founders of the IXL Center at Hult University - the largest and most global business school - and – the world’s top innovation website and leading innovation research firm. At the meeting you will learn about Hult’s Innovation Olympics program and MBA Action Learning Projects that drive corporate growth and bring deep, fresh thinking to critical initiatives. Imagine, 5 international, innovation-trained MBA teams that compete for the best outcomes for your growth initiatives. This is an excellent example of one of the many innovation resources going on right now that the Institute for Innovation Development is uncovering for financial services leaders. This program is a great illustration of the many ways to get new expanded insights, ideas and perspectives for your key growth plans, and to engage your team in a compelling way.

For more details and to RSVP:

2. "BitCoin: Disrupting Money" seminar - I’m going to this 1/22 6PM seminar while I'm in NYC 1/20-1/29. Important & timely topic on the potential future of money - try to go if you are in town! Much like the internet disrupted conventional communications media 20 years ago, Bitcoin has the potential to revolutionize money on a grand scale—the way we think about it, use it, move it around, and regulate it. This seminar is an detailed overview of Bitcoin, and brings attendees up to speed with the current state of the facts and discussions on Bitcoin. Presented by OpenInvo – specialists in innovation processes.

For more details and to register:

3. Building Irrefutable Differentiation in 2014 - FREE webinar 1/21 1PM EST- Competitive advantage is not a static goal anymore. Innovation is needed to drive ongoing change. Innovation is not just about new products, new services, or new processes. It’s about changing your firm on a predictable & repeatable basis. Leading innovation expert and author, Steve Shapiro, with his guest Scott McKain, will discuss proven strategies and practical steps on how to build irrefutable sources of differentiation for your business.

For more details and to register:


FastCompany interview with "Everything Connects" authors - 2/14/2014 12pm

Innovation Nobody's picture

Entrepreneurial & innovative mindset needed for business leaders looking for Growth, Differentiation and Unique Community Engagement - listen in to FREE 2/14 FastCompany chat with Authors Of "Everything Connects - How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability"



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